Monday, March 12, 2012

Blog #6 (Make-Up) I was absent

The thing that you would recommend for everyone is...
I would strongly recommend for everyone is no matter what happens, don't let anyone tell you, you can't do something. No matter how cheesy or cliche it sounds if you are willing to work at something with dedication and diligence, the sky is the limit. Obviously there are some cases that may seem impossible for example getting into Harvard but even though some goals may be unrealistic you have to take what you have learned so far and make the best of what you got. The majority in this world are unsatisfied with how their lives are and how their lives ended up. This is because life is difficult and not fair in any way but one thing everyone can do is at least make an effort to make the best of things. We should all try to experience new things whether it be a profession, activity, or even love. There is always something out there for everyone. I believe everything happens for a reason and although controversial sometimes fate seems to cease to exist. If we can somehow change the way we live for a more positive outcome perhaps we can change what is destined to come later. 

The thing that annoys me the most is...
Personally a lot of things annoy me about life that I can't even begin to grasp the gist of these things in one paragraph. Since I can choose only one I will choose none other than the way the world works in my eyes and my life. My life is extremely boring and nothing ever happens. I don't really try in school and never have but I get good grades only for my parents. My mind always shifts and doesn't focus really on my life but on life as a whole. When I look at pictures on websites of photography or beautiful pictures that were created I always think to myself there is so much to this life I wish I could see and know it all. Life is indeed short and no one can experience everything in life. I think too much and I wish I could stop it but this was the way I was born. I feel like I just want to let go of it all and escape reality. It really annoys me how complex life can be. I wish it were more simplistic but it will never be. It annoys me how harsh school life can be and on top of that the after getting out into the real world it only get harder. Life is no simple thing but everyone experiences different things that make their life unique and interesting. These moments shape our lives and give us reasons to keep going in life just as I have been doing.

There are 3.5 months left of my Junior Year of high school (we hope). During this fleeting period of adolescence, before I leave for the summer, I plan to...
I can't believe how fast Junior Year is going for me. Although it is definitely the hardest year of my high school career it definitely went faster than I expected. I still have much to do including taking the PSSA's and the SAT's. I don't really care much about the PSSA's because it just doesn't seem to cross my mind or stress me as much as everything else does. I have been going to an academy every Saturday to study for the SAT's and I am really regretting not trying. I am wasting my time and my mom's money for something that can make or break my college application. As much as I hate studying it is what I have to do especially with only 3.5 months left in this school year. On top of SAT's I still have to take the finals at the end of the school year which I also hate. Before I leave for the summer I have to try my best so I don't upset my parents. I have to try my hardest and be willing to work hard to  make my parents happy. I also have to finish getting credits for my clubs and start doing community service outside of school. These are also very important in my college application. Hopefully I can finish everything that way I can look back and be proud of myself for the things I accomplished. 

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