Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Blog Homework #3
From my understanding, Trayvon Martin is a 17 year old high school student who was shot and killed by George Zimmerman, a neighborhood watch captain. Zimmerman said this was due to self defense but other allegations offer a different perspective of what happened. This could be a case of racism and scrutiny of how the police handled the situation. Zimmerman was not arrested for his homicide because the police took his word that he did this out of self defense. This sparked outrage among not only the local community, but also the whole country. My question is why does a neighborhood captain have a gun in the first place? I never knew there was such a thing as a neighborhood captain and even if there was why would this man even be allowed to be in this role. This man clearly was a bad man so I am wondering why the neighborhood even allowed him to be a neighborhood captain. I honestly think that it is absolutely crazy that Zimmerman was not arrested. Martin is a young boy who only had skittles and an iced tea walking back to his home when he was clearly a victim of racism. This is in a way tied back to the times when racism was extremely prevalent in society. Blacks would be killed for none other reason than for their skin color. There could be other reasons that could have resulted in Zimmerman thinking Trayvon looked suspicious but there was absolutely no reason to shoot this kid and take his life away from him.  I was actually really sad reading about this incident because Trayvon is only 17. Trayvon had his whole life ahead of him but it was taken away from a heartless criminal who deserves to be put in jail. I can't imagine the immense amount of pain his family is going through. Honestly If I was Trayvon's brother I would even want Zimmerman arrested, I would have wanted him executed. Why is this man still free after killing a child for no good reason? I hope to god that this man gets what is coming to him. This does not really relate to how this case could be products of ones environment because people like Zimmerman are found everywhere in the world.

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